среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

Did the universe begin?

The beginning of the universe too much like divine intervention - it seems impossible to describe his research. This is the only thought which converge scholars and theologians. After all, something had to be up to the Big Bang, which became the impetus for the emergence of the universe! . In this case, our universe began at some point. However, the Lord is supposed to last forever. What, he wondered, he worked to create the universe?.

That's one of the scenarios taken from the Hindu holy book ... He was an existing. It turned into an egg. Lay an egg a year. Then it is revealed. And it was born directly from the Aditya -Sun. His birth was met with a cry of ...

This idea seems pretty simple, but, unfortunately, has a serious flaw that is inherent to all the other stories of creation. The ancients were well aware of this problem. Thus, the Indian poet and philosopher Dzhinasena wrote in IX century: ... The doctrine of creation defies common sense and should be rejected. If God created the world, where it was before the creation? . - Ed. ). Thus, the doctrine that the world was created by God, do not make any sense. Know that the world was created, as well as time itself, without beginning or end. Not be created and indestructible, it continues to exist, subject to the laws of his own nature. ...

- This criticism is equally applicable to all scenarios of space - whether it be the creation of God, as in the history of the cosmic egg, or ... - The same criticism, for example, applies to the idea of ​​the universe, being born out of chaos. There is a joke, an atheist says that the world emerged from chaos, the believer says, ...

According to the theory of the Big Bang all matter around us came from the outer hot fireball about 14 billion years ago. But whence came the fireball? . But still the question remains: where did that initial embryo? . After all, whatever the answer, you can always ask, ...

- One of the attractive alternatives to the inflationary scenario - is a constant emergence of ... - Thus, the inflation rate - is never-ending process. He ended up in our own island universe, but will continue indefinitely in other remote areas. However, if inflation is infinite in the future, then perhaps it is not necessary and the beginning of last. It turns ever -expanding universe without beginning or end, which eliminates the intractable problems associated with the origin of the cosmos.

Our universe is still inflated like a soap bubble. But it may explode!.
Click on the picture to enlarge.

In addition to this theory, there is another way to make the universe eternal. Once again, the Indians came up with it in the distant past. An endless cycle of creation and destruction symbolized by the dance of Shiva. ... The universe is alive, but then ... This idea is an ancient Indian science of cosmology was called ...

In 2002, the theory put forward Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University and Neil Turok of Cambridge. They suggested that the history of the universe consists of infinitely repeated cycles of expansion and contraction. Each cycle begins with the hot expanding fireball. It expands and cools to form galaxies, and soon after in the universe begins to dominate the vacuum energy. From that moment the universe begins to expand exponentially, doubling its size every 10 billion years. After trillions of years of expansion infraslow Universe becomes extremely homogeneous. Finally, the expansion slows down and then followed by a contraction. The universe collapses and immediately restored, allowing start a new cycle. Part of the energy released during the collapse, is to create a hot fireball of matter.

Steinhardt and Turok argue that in their scenario, there is no problem began. The universe is always one and the same cycle, so that there is no beginning there is simply no.

Thus, today there are two possible models of the universe eternal, without beginning: one is based on eternal inflation (expansion ) and the other - on the cyclic evolution.


But even if we focus on these two theories, it is still the question of the Big Bang is not yet disclosed. In order to understand the cause and course, physicists have wondered: ...

- By itself, this idea is not new - told the physicist Andrei Linde of Stanford University, who came to lecture in Moscow. - Several years ago, when physicists have calculated the energy required to run the Big Bang, researchers began to wonder what would happen if the lab to focus a lot of energy at one point - well, let's say, to shoot at the same time from a variety of guns. Is it possible to concentrate enough energy to run a mini- version of the Big Bang?.

According to the renowned American physicist Michio Kaku, in this case, you can get a collapse of space-time, and even a black hole. But it does not agree with him another specialist, physicist Alan Guth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He believes that this ... And those that will be large enough to not disappear in the space-time foam can easily swell to the full universe.

- Imagine a soap bubble, which is split into two or generates a number of tiny newborn ... - Sometimes the tiny soap bubble quickly swells into a completely new full-fledged bubble. Also, there may be entire universes.

Alan Guth and his colleagues have even found a substance that gives energy for the conversion of a large bubble in the full universe. This particle is called ...

In the end, the Big Bang theory has the same major drawback as the theory of evolution, scientists say. The two almost perfectly describe how the universe ( or life on Earth) changed after the birth, but neither one nor the other can not explain how it all began.

And maybe right the ancient philosophers who claimed that ... But attempts to create universes in the laboratory have great potential: it is possible, in the end it will help us to survive the inevitable death of our universe.

Our universe is still inflated like a soap bubble. But it may explode!.
Click on the picture to enlarge.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences cosmologist Edward Khavinson: Where Life is born?.

- Assuming that there are many universes, I think that among them is the so-called ... And they dominate in the best physical constants (such as the 'right ' of an electron and a proton ), which can be regarded as the DNA of the universe. And the more perfect of these DNA- constant, the universe is most suited for survival and thus the appearance of highly developed civilizations.

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