среда, 31 октября 2012 г.

Extract emails from website.

I would like to express my thoughts about a great application named email extractor I stumbled upon. It extracts email addresses from almost all websites on Internet, blogs. What if you have an awesome product and nobody knows about it. How to get your audience/customers know about your product/service? The more you advertise the better sales.

Nowadays almost all people have email addresses. Without doubts people leave emails and phones on sites open. Extract emails from websites. Enter site/blog/forum name you want to extract email addresses. In some situations you don't know sites you need to scan for emails but you know some keywords describing your customers. All you need to do is to type keywords in the in application and click search inside email extractor.

Email extractor may search emails in mail boxes, documents , and so on. Email extractor software is useful if you need to contact customers and let them know about your new service or product. Sometimes you don't need to scan the whole site for emails but only one or list of pages. Enter urls to email extractor and it will do the work for you.

Have you ever known where your customers live on internet ? they are fritter time away on websites such as forums and blogs. Email extractor can extract emails on websites like forum, blog, Facebook, Twitter or in any other place where audience is concentrated. You may find and extract all emails from text files.

The easiest way to sell your products or services is to extract emails of people from websites and send them offers directly. You might not know where your prospects sits Use these keywords in email extractor and it will search and extract all of them in search engine like bing. How to find people' emails from websites like blogs and forums ? One of the ways is to search them in any search engine.

пятница, 8 июня 2012 г.

Welcome to Taxland!

A friend told me that when they registered the jur. a person in Sweden, one of the Swedes said the following: 'Welcome to Taxland!'.

their. morals. Taxes: VAT 25 %, 30% UST, personal income tax 30%.

What do you choose: comprehensible taxes from your income or to live for free at the expense of others?.

I've been in life after death does not believe;).

Do you like this post? .

вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

Blogging tool called from depression

Women of the Depression brings shopping, men - strong alcohol or fast driving on the ' Porsche ' on the night Moscow ( not in combination and separately, of course), well, bloggers help remove the spleen, strictly speaking, the blogging.

Scientists from the University of Technology Swinburne (Swinburne University of Technology) found that the authors of the diaries have a strong sense of connectedness to the network community and relying on public support for the Internet in any situation. For those who do not has a blog, there is a sense of. Thus, scientists believe, to create your own blog on the Internet is a perfect remedy for isolation, and the man did not need pharmacological intervention. In addition, bloggers less likely to suffer low self-esteem, rather than mere mortals, writes Bernard Warner to blogs Times Online.

However, the blogging community can not only support the person, but on the contrary - to bring him to death, as happened with one advertisers.

суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

We treat the domain of the ban

1) Change the content and pattern. You can not change, but the links - it is necessary to remove.
2) Write a letter to Plato tearful about 'what I nevinovataya '.
3) Get the answer. Three answers: the site will soon be indexed, content neunikalen, the fool. The last option - somewhere something is not doubrali. Douberite. In the case of non-unique content are looking for a unique. Best of all copyright.
4) Write another letter to Plato.

The process is repeated until a complete cure. Then give the domain to settle (2-3 months), add the runs, and other things to improve the belly, and then do what you want with him again.

And I have another 46 units are waiting for the speedy recovery. And the same is not very quick. :).

среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

Did the universe begin?

The beginning of the universe too much like divine intervention - it seems impossible to describe his research. This is the only thought which converge scholars and theologians. After all, something had to be up to the Big Bang, which became the impetus for the emergence of the universe! . In this case, our universe began at some point. However, the Lord is supposed to last forever. What, he wondered, he worked to create the universe?.

That's one of the scenarios taken from the Hindu holy book ... He was an existing. It turned into an egg. Lay an egg a year. Then it is revealed. And it was born directly from the Aditya -Sun. His birth was met with a cry of ...

This idea seems pretty simple, but, unfortunately, has a serious flaw that is inherent to all the other stories of creation. The ancients were well aware of this problem. Thus, the Indian poet and philosopher Dzhinasena wrote in IX century: ... The doctrine of creation defies common sense and should be rejected. If God created the world, where it was before the creation? . - Ed. ). Thus, the doctrine that the world was created by God, do not make any sense. Know that the world was created, as well as time itself, without beginning or end. Not be created and indestructible, it continues to exist, subject to the laws of his own nature. ...

- This criticism is equally applicable to all scenarios of space - whether it be the creation of God, as in the history of the cosmic egg, or ... - The same criticism, for example, applies to the idea of ​​the universe, being born out of chaos. There is a joke, an atheist says that the world emerged from chaos, the believer says, ...

According to the theory of the Big Bang all matter around us came from the outer hot fireball about 14 billion years ago. But whence came the fireball? . But still the question remains: where did that initial embryo? . After all, whatever the answer, you can always ask, ...

- One of the attractive alternatives to the inflationary scenario - is a constant emergence of ... - Thus, the inflation rate - is never-ending process. He ended up in our own island universe, but will continue indefinitely in other remote areas. However, if inflation is infinite in the future, then perhaps it is not necessary and the beginning of last. It turns ever -expanding universe without beginning or end, which eliminates the intractable problems associated with the origin of the cosmos.

Our universe is still inflated like a soap bubble. But it may explode!.
Click on the picture to enlarge.

In addition to this theory, there is another way to make the universe eternal. Once again, the Indians came up with it in the distant past. An endless cycle of creation and destruction symbolized by the dance of Shiva. ... The universe is alive, but then ... This idea is an ancient Indian science of cosmology was called ...

In 2002, the theory put forward Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University and Neil Turok of Cambridge. They suggested that the history of the universe consists of infinitely repeated cycles of expansion and contraction. Each cycle begins with the hot expanding fireball. It expands and cools to form galaxies, and soon after in the universe begins to dominate the vacuum energy. From that moment the universe begins to expand exponentially, doubling its size every 10 billion years. After trillions of years of expansion infraslow Universe becomes extremely homogeneous. Finally, the expansion slows down and then followed by a contraction. The universe collapses and immediately restored, allowing start a new cycle. Part of the energy released during the collapse, is to create a hot fireball of matter.

Steinhardt and Turok argue that in their scenario, there is no problem began. The universe is always one and the same cycle, so that there is no beginning there is simply no.

Thus, today there are two possible models of the universe eternal, without beginning: one is based on eternal inflation (expansion ) and the other - on the cyclic evolution.


But even if we focus on these two theories, it is still the question of the Big Bang is not yet disclosed. In order to understand the cause and course, physicists have wondered: ...

- By itself, this idea is not new - told the physicist Andrei Linde of Stanford University, who came to lecture in Moscow. - Several years ago, when physicists have calculated the energy required to run the Big Bang, researchers began to wonder what would happen if the lab to focus a lot of energy at one point - well, let's say, to shoot at the same time from a variety of guns. Is it possible to concentrate enough energy to run a mini- version of the Big Bang?.

According to the renowned American physicist Michio Kaku, in this case, you can get a collapse of space-time, and even a black hole. But it does not agree with him another specialist, physicist Alan Guth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He believes that this ... And those that will be large enough to not disappear in the space-time foam can easily swell to the full universe.

- Imagine a soap bubble, which is split into two or generates a number of tiny newborn ... - Sometimes the tiny soap bubble quickly swells into a completely new full-fledged bubble. Also, there may be entire universes.

Alan Guth and his colleagues have even found a substance that gives energy for the conversion of a large bubble in the full universe. This particle is called ...

In the end, the Big Bang theory has the same major drawback as the theory of evolution, scientists say. The two almost perfectly describe how the universe ( or life on Earth) changed after the birth, but neither one nor the other can not explain how it all began.

And maybe right the ancient philosophers who claimed that ... But attempts to create universes in the laboratory have great potential: it is possible, in the end it will help us to survive the inevitable death of our universe.

Our universe is still inflated like a soap bubble. But it may explode!.
Click on the picture to enlarge.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences cosmologist Edward Khavinson: Where Life is born?.

- Assuming that there are many universes, I think that among them is the so-called ... And they dominate in the best physical constants (such as the 'right ' of an electron and a proton ), which can be regarded as the DNA of the universe. And the more perfect of these DNA- constant, the universe is most suited for survival and thus the appearance of highly developed civilizations.

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.


Almost bought a few from the archives of the recovered domains tITs10, thanks SeoPrufi who is engaged, including. promotion of blogs. For most experiments, it.

Bought the old one trust domain titsistyh links to commonplace sites. Approximately 500 references for 300 rubles per month. We look forward to apa. It should be for the cleanliness of the experiment to crank the same thing on a thread a new domain.

Nakovyryal bins in several domains of TCI, and without it, some are already several years. Posted in Sapa - the last time the basement of some clients to promote and need to pump your grid, so that the costs have risen significantly and the current bunch of sites selling them is no longer compensate adequately.

I found one, maybe two clients on advertising blog. If your blog is good, then the advertiser is not a deposit, so I think.

Count the hours until the start of the commissioning of two versions of the club. 0. Frankly sykotno - some changes too cardinal from a technical point of view: the need to actually stop the club for a few hours and then another week or two to fish shoals, and debug them in the hot-. This means that the measured life will fly upside down. Sykotno, but we must.

The online game is already starting to sound like a game, not a set of clear working scripts, thanks to testers and the cheerful programmer. So you see, soon it will be necessary to do the design and open a public beta mode. Now a lot of time already pay the balance of the game - would be stupid if everyone will get rich abnormally.

Piled some papers that need to print, assemble, sign, to convey. In short, any off-line garbage that needs to be done and forgotten until the next report.

Almost every evening, purchase options, filtering, validation, apparently to look for is an apprentice under this case. Trite did not have time to monitor each project. While it is clear a few things - a good site for short, when a lot of pereoptimizirovannogo text in the main, for long and mnogotekstovyh sites need a lot of copyright, not kopipasta - in the same movement win the ones where the text bigger and better copyright.

Rivet a handful of satellites, in effect on the copy-paste. Will not send - female, already in the index Yandex. Apparently, the read information from bar. Frighteningly, these sites have the same effect on the design, site-to- uterus, where does all infa ( multiportalka ), content kopipastny little or no. Still, the index. Although it is perfectly fit into my theory about the last sign - as long as the grid is not zasrat sly, she will live.

The collective farm began to crawl into the index saytik. But I have already mentally shit on Yandex and prepare to Kemerovo perelinkovochny script, which will unite the entire grid and add a reference. In addition, we add a reference in your projects.

Maylru burns. Attendance at some sites jumped very significantly. Does anyone know how to count the number of pages in Mile (gogo-machine)? .

Not everyone remembered, of course, but this is still enough. Oh yeah, yesterday threw Yandex CAPTCHA for verifying the position sespayderom and it is not resorbed until the morning. Do not even know what to think. Remix, I think, will help, but still funny.

The blog of the day there was a picture and quote of the day is coming soon. I can not deny myself the pleasure of sometimes stop at anything that touches a chord of the soul.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.

Confirmed: Google has changed its 'black bar'

Remember I told you about a new version of Google bar? . of the article. you can activate it and feel as it were a living. Now, the Google team has officially confirmed the rumors and leaked screenshots of black stripes and promised to make it available over the next few weeks! . Wait is not long, but for the better if such changes. Do I need it to us?.

суббота, 26 мая 2012 г.

Employer brand: Work with the negative

What factors negatively affect the formation of the employer brand, and which, conversely, help to create a positive brand?.

An employer who does not pay enough attention to personnel, goods or services hardly reach prosperity. The high cost of goods, inadequate to its quality, prolonged delivery time, or the client for a long time waiting, when will it finally be served, - these are the main reasons that could ...

There is a strong correlation between customer loyalty and staff: the company with an impeccable brand and staff who sincerely believes in the services and goods will always be satisfied customers willing to buy ( and buy ). A brand with a bad reputation for a chain reaction could ...

In such a situation faced CEO of a car business. In the company began to receive feedback dissatisfied customers about the problems in the machines. These problems began to arise after the best engineers quit. Unsatisfied with employees and clients expressed more often than satisfied. Today, for this there is limitless space - social networking - thanks to them, information is disseminated instantly. It is important to keep a track of negative feedback, because the client's ability to listen and quickly give feedback sometimes outweighs objective data about the product.

Some companies have successfully managed to keep a fairly good reputation, despite the real problems in goods and services. In the understanding of customers - loyalty to brands of these companies was very high. Everyone knows the name of Ford, but have you heard anything about the Ford Edsel in 1958? . dollars, only one model Edsel! . It was a precursor of iPad - the first tablet, or Pocket PC (hence the term went CCP).

Not many companies can not hold leadership positions in the industry in spite of failures and misses. Interestingly, in the positive comments, a brand can be brought in a negative light, and vice versa - to get good publicity in the negative feedback. Why is this happening? . Sometimes this simple reason, as illiteracy, can ruin the most perfect review. Thus, any brand can either shame or praise.

Internal discord between brands can lead to a complete crisis of. But of course, there are ways to help smooth out the inconsistencies and, in principle, to avoid it. The first thing is to start, it's honesty. Promise only what can actually provide. False assurances inevitably lead to customer dissatisfaction and frustration of staff. It is important not only to try to avoid negativity, but also actively create a positive attitude towards the brand and promote it in social networks and communities.

Another sure way to build brand loyal in terms of employees and customers - is the alignment of brand values ​​with the values ​​of staff and customers. For example, if you sell shaving cream, do not focus on its flavor and color packaging - men, it is important to shave proceeded smoothly and safely, and that's enough.

Even if your employer brand is quite different from consumer brand, both of them will be associated with the same company and the name. Most of our clients and prospective employees will not be separately assessed employer brand and the consumer brand - most likely, they have formed an opinion about the company as a whole. Do not forget that the compliment of staff and customers to the brand, can quickly give way to criticism, galloping like a ball in the ... And customers, and competitors before posting resumes on the job or to order service, certainly take an interest in existing customers and employees about their attitudes toward the company and the opinions about products and services. It is therefore important to see and understand the relationship between the employer brand and consumer brand companies, and accordingly, develop, and ...